The measures outlined below will be implemented by 31 Aug 2021 as part of our implementation of Safe Sport practices and the Responsible Coaching Movement.
SC is developing a National Coach Licensing policy which will identify the standards that coaches must comply with to be allowed to coach at events under its jurisdiction or Canadian Teams under its control. In the interim, Squash NS has created its own Squash Coach Licensing Standards which were approved by the BoD in Feb 2020 and which states that coaches are required to adhere to them by 31 Aug 2021 to be licensed. The standard requires licensed coaches to:
- Hold a valid Squash Canada coaching certification[1]. One of or more of Intro to Squash, Squash Intro to Competition or Squash Competition Development. For more information please see
- Be registered with the Coaching Association of Canada (Free), which entails obtaining an NCCP #. Anyone who has completed an NCCP certification or a coaching course or has successfully challenged the coach certification process since 2005 in any sport already has an account at the Coaching Association of Canada and does not need a new one. Please see
- Have a current competitive membership with Squash NS, the provincial sport governing body for squash This membership provides access to screening resources, subsidized professional development opportunities and liability insurance as well as a listing as a coach on the Squash NS Website, for active coaches. Only Squash NS member coaches have the opportunity of being nominated for SC coaching opportunities, and to coach Squash NS athletes and teams in competition
- Meet the requirements of the Squash NS Screening Policy available at
- Agree to abide by the tenets of the Responsible Coaching Movement steps-to-responsible-coaching-p161376
If a coach does not choose to be licensed, they may still assist other players in improving their game. However, they will not be endorsed by Squash NS, will not not insured and will not be eligible to offer programs in Squash NS clubs or coach Squash NS teams or athletes. The SNS website will also indicate that any who employ unlicensed coaches do so at their own risk.
[1] Coaches who trained outside of Canada or who received certification under the old NCCP program (prior to Dec 31, 2005), or High Level PSA players seeking to challenge one or more certifications please see the revised Squash Canada Coach Challenge Process for more information on how to do this.