I am pleased to invite you to the Squash NS Annual General Meeting which will be held in room 211 of the Homburg Centre at SMU, 920 Tower Road, Halifax, NS beginning at 7:00 p.m.
You can attend in person and join us afterwards for networking at a local pub or you can join us by Video teleconference by registering at the following link https://zoom.us/meeting/register/392405e6504d58f4dc2040ba88984b7b
The information package for the meeting is available here https://nssquash.ca/agms/
Everyone with an interest in squash is welcome to attend the AGM. However only people with a valid Squash NS recreational or Competitive membership can vote at the AGM. Memberships can be purchased hereĀ https://novascotia.clublocker.com/login
We are looking forward to seeing you at the AGM.