
Squash NS provides support for Officials by establishing standards for officiating at sanctioned events, including for the number of and qualifications of officials and their remuneration, and compensation.

Squash Canada Basic Officiating Course qualifies you as a Club Official and provides you with a solid basic grounding in the rules of squash.

Squash Canada Officiating program overview

Official Page for Canadian Squash Officials Full of resources and news for officials including referee progression assessments. Please register after completing the Basic Officiating course

Official page for World Squash Officiating – The WSO’s home for all officiating resources, education and assessment.  Want to become a WSO Official? Follow the link

Squash57 Officiating

Rules of Squash        Regles de squash  Intro to Squash Rules Poster

Rules of Squash57  Squash57 Rules poster