THE OBJECTIVE: The Junior-Prix Circuit with its three levels of events, Mini-Prix, Grand-Prix & Super-Prix, provides a series of 1-day tournaments during the Fall & Winter squash season at a variety of Halifax area clubs for junior squash players of all genders who want a fun and semi-competitive environment to challenge themselves in. Players can use the Circuit as a means to meet and play other juniors from the region plus gain tournament experience and improve their skills t to enable them to be able to compete in other Provincial Silver & Gold level tournaments. The Junior-Prix Circuit will consist of 4 tournaments from September to March to give players competitive continuity, interaction with juniors from other clubs, & a season long sequence of events that can help focus their practice and training efforts towards. Each tournament provides the players with 3, 4, or 5+ matches on the day against other players of varying abilities. For each tournament there is a $25 entry fee, which includes lunch on the day and prizes. Players will also learn how to mark and referee squash matches, plus watch exhibition matches from featured guest players. In each tournament, players will earn Circuit points based upon their final place in the draw at the completion of the tournament. These points are aggregated through the season following each tournament and posted online. Upon completion of the final Junior-Prix Circuit tournament, each player’s points (* best 3 out of 4 tournaments) events will be totaled to determine the overall Mini-Prix, Grand-Prix & Super-Prix Circuit Champions! The Champions will also receive a bonus prize package provided by Squash Nova Scotia. * A player’s best points from 3 of 4 tournaments will be totaled. This allows for a player to miss at least one tournament without penalizing their chance of winning the overall title or of discarding their lowest final scores. A player can play in as many or as few tournaments as they wish.
THE MINI – PRIX: The Mini-Prix category is intended for developmental junior players of any gender aged between 6-11 years with 0 to 1.5 years of entry level squash playing experience.
- Players are guaranteed between 3 to 5 matches (win or lose) in each Mini-Prix Tournament, entries permitting.
- Matches are best 3 games of 5 (at the discretion of the Event Organizers, matches can be shortened to best 2 games out of 3 should time restrict a full best of 5 game match to be played). Games are up to 11 points; point-a-rally (PAR).
- The draw format being used is at the discretion of the Tournament Organizer. Primarily players will use the blue dot ball.
- Two serve rule applies; thus, should a player hit a fault serve, then a second serve can be taken.
- Mini-Prix Circuit Standing points are awarded according to the player’s final placing in each Mini-Prix Tournament as per the Final Placing Points Breakdown
- The top 3 players of Mini-Prix standings at the end of the Circuit will move up to the Grand-Prix for the following season’s Circuit.
- Mini-Prix Players who wish to move up to the Grand-Prix may do so at any stage of the Circuit. Their Circuit points earned in the Mini-Prix will be carried over into the Grand-Prix Standings.
- Awards will be presented to top three players of Mini-Prix Circuit Standings based on their best 3 Final Placing Points scores from the Mini-Prix Events.
- Participation medals to be awarded to players playing in 3 of 5 Mini-Prix events.
THE GRAND – PRIX: The Grand-Prix category is intended for junior players of any gender of all ages under 19 years as of the date of the event. Generally players range in age from 10 to 17 years of age and could/would also be competing in Provincial Bronze and Silver level squash tournaments.
- Players are guaranteed between 3 to 5 matches (win or lose) in each Mini-Prix Tournament, entries permitting.
- Matches are best 3 games of 5 (at the discretion of the Event Organizers, matches can be shortened to best 2 games out of 3 should time restrict a full best of 5 game match to be played). Games are up to 11 points; point-a-rally (PAR).
- The draw format being used is at the discretion of the Tournament Organizer.
- Single yellow dot ball to be used.
- Play under the standard international squash rules.
- Grand-Prix Circuit Standing points are awarded according to the player’s final placing in each Grand-Prix event as per the Final Placing Points Breakdown.
- The Winner, Runner-up of the Grand-Prix Circuits, plus the next top 3 players the Grand-Prix Circuit standings will move up to Super-Prix in the following season’s Circuit.
- Grand-Prix players who wish to move up to the Super-Prix may do so at any stage of the Circuit. Their Circuit points earned in the Grand-Prix will be carried over into the Super-Prix Standings.
- At the Awards Presentation of the final Grand-Prix Circuit Event, awards will be presented to top three players of Grand-Prix Circuit Standings based on their best 3 Final Placing Points scores from the Grand-Prix Events.
- The Grand-Prix perpetual travelling Cup will be awarded to the highest scoring player of the Grand-Prix Circuit (based on their top 3 Final Placing Points scores from the Grand-Prix Events).
- The Grand-Prix perpetual travelling Cup is to be returned in February to an Squash NS Representative.
- Keeper Grand-Prix Cups will be awarded to the 5 highest scoring players of the Grand-Prix Circuit (based on their best 3 Final Placing Points scores from the Grand-Prix Events). Prizes are provided by Squash NS.
THE SUPER – PRIX: The Super-Prix category is intended for junior players of any gender of all ages under 19 years as of the date of the event,and of stronger playing calibre in general than the Grand-Prix category, and could/would also be competing in high Regional, Provincial Gold and National level squash tournaments.
- Players are guaranteed 3 matches in each Super-Prix Event, entries permitting.
- Matches are best 3 games of 5. (At the discretion of the Event Organizers, matches can be shortened to best 2 games out of 3 should time restrict a full best of 5 game match to be played).
- Games are up to 11 points; point-a-rally (PAR).
- Double yellow dot ball to be used.
- Play under the standard international squash rules.
- Super-Prix Circuit Standing points are awarded according to the player’s final placing in each Super-Prix event as per the Final Placing Points Breakdown.
- At the Awards Presentation of the Final Super-Prix Circuit Event, awards will be presented to top three players of Super-Prix Circuit Standings based on their best top 3 Final Placing Points scores from the Super-Prix Events.
Points Award Table
Placement | Points |
1 | 620 |
2 | 570 |
3 | 530 |
4 | 500 |
5 | 470 |
6 | 450 |
7 | 430 |
8 | 410 |
9 | 390 |
10 | 370 |
11 | 350 |
12 | 330 |
13 | 310 |
14 | 290 |
15 | 270 |
16 | 250 |
17 | 240 |
18 | 230 |
19 | 220 |
20+ | 170 |